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dakine boot locker 69L

Trying something new this year with the Dakine Boot Locker. In former ski seasons I’ve relied on the tried and true Burton Wheelie Gig bag for getting my gear to the mountain, but that comes with the hassle of folding down second row seats, navigating a bulky bag from point A to point B, and ending the day with a wet mess of boots, equipment, and apparel thrown across the trunk.

This year I’m pairing the Dakine Boot Locker with the Thule Universal Pull roof carrier system, and matching Dakine Goggle Case to keep all my gear in working condition. Wet boots will go straight into the lowered zipped section of the Dakine Boot Locker, leaving my snow pants, jacket, helmet and goggles case to be safely separated in the upper zippered section. Board will go up top and out of the way for easy transport and maximum seat capacity.

The Dakine Boot Locker holds 69L which I thought was too much at first but am finding it to be just about right. I have my boots, snow pants, jacket, helmet, and goggles all safely nestled in there with a little big of extra room for things like spare socks and extra gaters. The shoulder strap and handles make carrying it a breeze, and the light weight material makes it high as a feather.

If you’re looking for a slightly smaller footprint opt for the backpack version:

Dakine Boot Backpack